le bob

Mistral and Cedar Trees

Sea breeze on my eyelids

And I sigh

Passengers, messages, and I

Back to our place again

Countryside again

September skies

I’ve been going in and going out

I’ve been losing of track of whereabouts

A series of restless nights

A series of how:s and why:s

Still things to harmonize

The cedar trees welcome me

They are waiving with their leaves

And the mistral crosses the shore

She has taken this way before

Soon the night will fall

Soon the mistral’s calm

Soon the cedar trees will sleep

And you and I will meet

Le matin arrive

Et tu es la

Tu es rentrée tard hier soir

J’admire ton regarde

Quand tu fixes les arbres

Quand tu m'épargnes

Tu me dis que c’est dure à Paris

Tu me fais un thé et je te dis

On peut s’installer ici

Peut-être plus tard dans la vie

Et tu souris

And the cedar trees start to talk

On our morning walk

And the mistral is not awake

She’s resting down by the lake

Soon the sun will rise

Soon he will climb

Soon we’ll be gone

For this time

Je me réveille trop tôt

A quatre heures du matin

J’entends un chien de très loin

J’entends le mistral du moins en moins

J’espère que tout n’est pas en vain

Je me retourne dans mon lit

Je vois ton visage

Dans l’obscurité

Le temps tourne la page

And the cedar trees are still there

You can see them everywhere

And the mistral always comes by

She reminds us that we are alive

Soon the winter comes

Soon the sky is black

Soon the moon will call

And we will be back