le bob

Amber skies

Horses keep on running

The ride will never stop

Old windshields they do not help anymore

Only hay, water and crops

Rumors oh they fool us

Over and over again

It’s all so unpredictable

No one foresees the end

You ride

You fall sometimes

You go up again

You ride again

Till you reach those amber skies

In a haze, on ice

Under Northern lights

You ride your horse

And you follow course

Till you see those amber skies

Close to paradise

The years have come to mark you

You have a few more scars

Hard moments tattooed on your bones

But still you’re so full of heart

I will never leave you

Some humans never do

We’ll ride along this narrow path

Till noon we’ll be there too

We ride

We fail sometimes

We go up again

We ride again

Till we reach those amber skies

In a haze, on ice

Under Northern lights

We ride our horse

We follow course

Till we see reach those amber skies

Close to paradise

We’re close to paradise